How to use the power of forgiveness to open the way to success & happiness
Discover The Proven Forgiveness Method That Will Guide You To Let Go Of The Past, Get Your Mojo Back, and Begin Manifesting Your Desires Faster Than You Ever Imagined Possible
Hi, this is Scarlet Grace.
There is a magical life waiting for you...
A life where you finally have everything you ever wanted.
But sometimes there is a lot of energetic resistance in the way of our dreams.
It sabotages our manifesting efforts. It doesn't allow our magic to work as well as it could. And it makes us feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders.
Creating changes in your life with magic and manifestation techniques is easy.
But if you're not manifesting what you want in life, it means there's something in the way.
- Often catch yourself thinking about how people hurt you in the past (even if it was many years ago) and feel bad about it all over again?
- Often wonder how much easier it would be to manifest your dreams now, if specific painful things from your past hadn't happened at all?
-Wish to be free from anger and resentment and finally feel happy again?
-Want to melt all the resistance & pain from your past and open the way to powerful manifestations that weren't possible for you before?
What if I told you there is a method that can do all that for you?
When I first discovered this method, I made a huge list with everything I could think of that made me feel shame, guilt or that I was still holding a grudge about.
When I was done, my list had 237 items on it.
I used method for every single item on my list.
When I was finished, I was exhausted but felt a lot lighter!
What happened blew my mind.
A few hours after the forgiveness practice, the most amazing thing happened:
There was this one friendship in my life that had a ton of baggage. And I mean A TON!
So, shortly after finishing the forgiveness practice, I had arranged to meet with that person. Not to discuss anything, just casually for drinks.
When I met them, it was as if I was out with a completely different person!
Not only all the baggage from that relationship was gone, but the person's behavior had changed in tens of small but vitally important ways.
I couldn't believe it!
The following day, another person from my list -someone I felt bitter towards because we used to be friends but then they moved away and forgot all about me- messaged me out of the blue, wanting to catch up.
Not only things like that kept happening, but I felt completely different inside too.
My anxiety was gone. I was naturally doing things that I wouldn't have the courage to do before. My spells produced better results.
Over the years, I've experimented with different ways this method can be used, and now I'm ready to share everything I've discovered with you, so that you can experience powerful shifts in your life too!
Your 6-Day Action Plan For Finally Letting Go of The Past, Clearing Energetic Resistance and Creating The Inner Space You Need For Your Desires To Finally Begin Manifesting.
In this 25-page ebook you'll discover a powerful forgiveness method that will transform your life, finally allowing you to let go of the past and clear the way for all the amazing things to you desire to finally manifest.
- The powerful forgiveness method that clears inner resistance and leaves you feeling happy and free.
- The 6-Day Action Plan to put the forgiveness method to work in every area of your life and cause powerful shifts FAST.
- An incredibly powerful meditation based on the forgiveness method. Use it to release tons of stuck energy from a particular event or relationship.
- How to use the forgiveness method and the meditation for powerful shadow work. to clear even more energetic resistance to your goals and open the way for effective magic.
-How to use everything you are going to learn in the ebook with other magical methods and spells, which ones work well with it and how to combine them in the most effective way that boosts your results exponentially.
"I LOVED this practice. I will be going through my second-round next week. It has really been an eye-opener for me, I was carrying baggage I had forgot about or that I never saw the correlation to.
Here's my story:
I grew up in a loving home, good family, raised with beauty pageants, hunting, fishing, piano, my parents wanted the best of everything for their children and did the best they could.
Unfortunately, this is no shame on my parents or their families. Everyone says, look at your childhood and I have very much so.
The worse thing I can say is my dad spanked me at 5! My parents were flower children, not exactly, but they were of the mindset to be understanding and compassionate of culture differences, peace love and happiness. If they were aware of "bad" people, they shielded their kids from thinking that way.
The only other complaint I could say looking back is that they taught us to be TOO understanding and not temper it with other things.
Enter the dragon...doing this project self-reflection I learned that to understand culture differences I accepted my first boyfriend's poor behavior. After I left what I didn't understand was an unhealthy relationship I was only 18, I worked on myself for many years until I felt I was secure enough and "qualified" my husband to be a good man. I didn't sincerely date again until I was 25. I married my now, ex-husband, and the 23 years of abuse that followed. I planned my escape for 4 years, and even now I am having to deal with him, 3 years of legal hassles. My family counselled me for years that I wasn't understanding his culture...
- Angela Thomas
Enroll in the Forgiveness Roadmap now and start transforming your life today!
Your Instructor
Hey there Superhero!
My name is Scarlet Grace and I am the owner of the Unseen Seraph website and the school attached to it, the Superhero Training Camp.
I love Doctor Who, I hate honey in my dinner and I believe every person is a superhero and every person deserves and can have a life better than their wildest dreams!
Click here if you're curious to know more about me...